8th virtual and real INST World Conference CCKS CITIES, CULTURES AND KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY 25-28 November 2010 Vienna, Austria and Second Life Conference hashtag: #ccks Section hashtag: #cclvw On Friday, 26 November (8am GMT - 6pm GMT), Heike Philp aka Gwen Gwasi, invited us for a full-day event series in Vienna and in Second Life to discuss “Cities, cultures and languages in virtual worlds”. Virtual worlds, such as Second Life, Virtual Life, Open Sim, Twinity and similar are user-generated environments. Cities like London, Paris, Berlin and New York are being rebuilt and offer a virtual environment where commerce, arts and fashion and night life are thriving. They also attract avatars in large numbers, the 3D representation of a human using a PC. As avatar you enjoy a world, that does not seem to know any limitations and where even gravity no longer exists. People, sometimes in human, sometimes in animal form are helpful and open and relationships and friendships are not inhibit...