Jokaydia Unconference Newbie Sessions!
As usual the first question would be.... Jokadia.. what's that? researching their site we found:
"The Island of jokaydia is designed to provide a flexible and dynamic space for educators in Second Life which includes informal and formal meeting spaces, plus a range of interesting objects and tools to explore. Our space is designed to assist new residents to gain competency and confidence in using the Second Life interface – whilst they are having fun! We also support mixed reality events, professional development activities and a number of other projects."
Ok, now we know...But guess what!!!! they are holding a two-day unconference next 25th - 27th September. The themes for this year unconference are:
- Games in learning
- Newbie skills in Second Life
- Creating Cases studies and promoting your educational projects
- Teachers without Borders
- Quest Atlantis
- Open Learning and Teacher Professional Development
- Safety and Security in virtual worlds
- History education in virtual worlds,
- Assessment and evaluation of 21st century learners
- Maslow’s hierarchical hideaway
- World of Warcraft
- the Second Life Education in New Zealand Projects.
"Please feel free to add a sesssion on your particular area or topic of interest….. and remember, unconferences are about participation and sharing and everyone is welcome! You can propose a session here @ … and no session idea is too big or too small!! ;)"
The best of this unconference is that if you don't know anything about Second Life but would dare to try to jump in.. they help you by offering crash courses on how to get started in SL so when the time comes.. we don't feel silly walking and crashing against all the walls in SL.
Jokaydia Unconference Newbie Sessions!
To support those of you who are new to Second Life in participating in the Unconference, we are planning a series of newbie sessions in the leadup to the jokaydia Unconference. These have been designed to provide you with a crash course in using Second Life and attending an event inworld!
Our first session will be held this Thursday 27 August evening at 8:30pm AEST / 3:30am SLT (check your local time here) and will include an opportunity to:
- Develop basic skills – moving, chatting and navigating
- Using communication tools – text and voice chat
- Using the Second Life interface – mastering the camera, sound and video tools
- Basic Avatar Customisation.
To join in, simply signup for a Second Life account and meet us at the jokaydia Unconference 09 Headquarters on the Islands of jokaydia (SLurl).
I will be there if you need any help... Just call out my name....
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