ISTE 2010

Last year, Pionia registered to the NECC Ning for ISTE’s conference. Out of curiosity, but this year as they are getting ready for ISTE 2010 conference. She's planning to participate fully in SL. Visiting their new ning, She found out that the ISTE 2010 Conference Ning Network, is where educators interested in educational technology connect to other conference attendees whether they attend physically or virtually to extend the conversations happening at the conference.There she also found this interesting video.


Where she learned about the journey of several educators working and learning in Second Life. Together with Kittygloom Cassady as a host, she could have and idea on how ISTE Island creates a powerful educator network and supports this ongoing collaboration within Second LIfe.

In the ning people participating will have the chance of:
  • Document and share their conference experience by posting videos and photos
  • Interact with other members
  • Create their own profile and find like-minded colleagues
  • Discuss 2010 conference sessions
  • Start or contribute to a forum discussion
  • Create a group for their school or organization
  • Stay on top of the action during the conference by receiving RSS feeds to your mobile
Well, we'll see what adventures will be waiting for us over there.. of course we'll report back here...
Keep on shining Love and Peace!
Pionia Destiny


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