"How to teach a language in Second Life"

Project Avalon invited us to participate in the "How to teach a language in Second language" but dued to time constraints.. Pionia was nor there.. but thanks to Heike Philp aka Gwen Gwasi's blog ... She's Director Of Lancelot School... we can enjoy the encounter...

Questions which were asked ...

* What added value does Second Life provide for language learning?
* How second life may be used in language learning (passive/active?
* How assessment is being done?
* Whether moodle or any Content Management System is used and how?
* Whether viewer 2 makes a difference to educators?
* Whether the language business is growing healthily or is declining?
* How do we encourage peer-to-peer work?
* Whether it makes a difference if students know each other in Real Life?

and other great thoughts on language learning in Second Life

This session had the luck of having 40 language professionals in Second Life that discuss their views and experiences.


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