Code of Conduct for Backchannels

Backchanneling has become a common practice when attending conferences.

According to Wikipedia:
The term backchannel was designed to imply that there are two channels of communication operating simultaneously during a conversation.[1] The predominant channel is that of the speaker who directs primary speech flow. The secondary channel of communication (or backchannel) is that of the listener which functions to provide continuers or assessments,[2] defining a listener’s comprehension and/or interest.
- Wikipedia (
This is such a useful way to collaborate with educators and students when introducing new ideas, presenting in front of a large crowd, or even when watching a video. I found this code of backchanneling at the ISTE 2010 ning

Code of Conduct for Backchannels by Anita McAnear

Simple version:

1. Be Nice

2. Be Clear

3. Be Open

More details:

1. No bad words. Do not talk down to anyone. Cyberbullying is never acceptable.

2. Read your post several times before you press enter. When appropriate, include links to information or resources. You will make more of an impact by making
a few high quality statements than a string of short conversations that need to
be clarified later.

3. Everyone who shares has something important to say. Whether you agree or disagree with each statement, you will learn more
about the world around you by listening than trying to convince others about
their faults.

Happy Backchanneling!

Hopes it helps!!


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