Virual Pioneers Conference 2010!!!

Pionia just found out about the: Re-create, Educate, and illuminate-learning History Virtually! ....... This SL conference will take place on October 29 and 30, the Virtual Pioneers invite educators from around the world to embark on an online history conference that will provide classroom teachers, curriculum directors, administrators, college faculty, pre-service college students, or anyone interested in history with a chance to learn and network with peers in Second Life.  For 48 hours, the Virtual Pioneers will host fantastic speakers, interactive tours, as well as, a historical costume party! 

This conference is free to anyone with a Second Life account, but you are encouraged to register in advance.  It is also important to note you can create a Second Life account free of charge.  Please join us for this fantastic event!

Questions? Please contact:  Spiff Whitfield in Second Life or email

Virtual Pioneers:

This is a group founded in 2007 as a professional development group of educators from the Western New York Boces that met as a learning community virtually in Second Life to learn about history and culture in a unique and creative way.  The group quickly grew as it gained notoriety with other educators from other parts of the U.S. who had found a professional learning community in Second Life.  Today, the group includes educators from all parts of the globe and hosts bimonthly meetings to explore historical recreations in-world and learn from each other - what works in their classrooms with their students (elementary to pre-service).  The group has toured digitally created landmarks, had powerful guest speakers, and hosted teacher to teacher discussions that has brought history alive.

The Virtual Pioneers hosts special events annually and is proud to collaborate with other professional organizations such as ISTE, the International Society for Technology in Education, and the local Public Broadcasting Station (PBS) affiliate in Arizona, Eight.  Virtual Pioneers is always looking for new partnerships and welcoming additional members.  Please look for us in Second Life at the Virtual Pioneers Headquarters and join our professional learning community group here.


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