Virtual Language Resource Centre for French FL

Edith Paillat [Cyber Placebo] -- Virtual Language Resource Centre for French FL

The Virtual Language Resource Centre for French FL seeks to provide language resources for independent learning as well learning with the help of a tutor. With this platform I wish to offer a relaxed meeting point where students can come on their own, as a group to work on resources and/or, more formally with a tutor. The Centre offers French related Landmarks and objects with notecards with links to online resources and suggestions of activities. The scope of this project can be extended to building a broader language Resource Centre for other languages. Language. At a later stage a central reception area with teleporter could then be added for access possibly a holodeck rezzing rooms with specific language and cultural elements. During this showcase I hope to explain how and why I built such centre and, if time allows, engage participants in a discussion about the role of resource centres and independent language learning in a 3D environments.


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