Pio visited the Caledon Library after receiving a card with the event calendar for the week. She found a nice exhibition on Social Dance. She could see how dances have been around all along the history. She enjoyed looking at pictures of the dances and read cards with the information about the them. She also found a lot of interesting books that are free to take with you. If you visit the library go to the third and fourth floor and...Just click the bookshelves to get a folder with wonderful works of literature. Alexandrian Free Library: (Caledon, Winterfell, Steelhead, New Toulouse, New Babbage, Amatsu Shima, West of Ireland, Deadwood & Al Andalus) Library Events for January 12 through 18, 2011. Continuing Exhibits: Caledon Library - To Move in measure, an exhibit on Social Dance, curated by Miss Leslie Weston Mon 2010-11-01 - Fri 2011-07-01 Where: Whitehorn Library, Caledon Victoria City http://slurl.com/secondlife/Caledon%20Victoria%20City/59/196/23 Events of th...