Alexandrian Free Library

Pio visited the Caledon Library after receiving a card with the event calendar for the week. She found a nice exhibition on Social Dance. She could see how dances have been around all along the history. She enjoyed  looking at pictures of the dances and read cards with the information about the them. She also found a lot of interesting books that are free to take with you. If you visit the library go to the third and fourth floor and...Just click the bookshelves to get a folder with wonderful works of literature.

Alexandrian Free Library: (Caledon, Winterfell, Steelhead, New Toulouse, New Babbage, Amatsu Shima, West of Ireland, Deadwood & Al Andalus) Library Events for January 12 through 18, 2011.

Continuing Exhibits:

Caledon Library - To Move in measure, an exhibit on Social Dance, curated by Miss Leslie Weston
Mon 2010-11-01 - Fri 2011-07-01
Where: Whitehorn Library, Caledon Victoria City

Events of the Week:

"Æsop's Fables" with Caedmon Sharkfin
Wednesday, 12 January, 2011
7:00pm - 8:00pm SLT
Where: Seanchai Library on Imagination Island

The old stories are great stories, simply because they touch us in some way:  a lesson learned, a truth told, heartstrings plucked.  The oldest stories still told, still printed, and still attributed to one author are from ancient Greece, and have little to do with their gods.  Come join us and hear again Æsop's fables.  Stories in voice.
Contact: Derry McMahon

Icelandic Folk Tales with Shandon Loring
Thursday, 13 January, 2011
7:00pm - 8:00pm SLT
Where: Seanchai Library on Imagination Island

Here we are - three weeks into Winter!! What better time for stories from the frozen bits of the world. Elves and Trolls. Monsters, ghosts, and devils. These Icelandic folktales come from life, literature, and the imagination of the storyteller.  From the book "Icelandic Folktales II: Elves and Stories of Trolls and Elemental Beings"   Presented in Live Voice!
Contact: Derry McMahon

Ornament of the World – Book Discussion
Saturday, 15 January 15, 2011
4:30 am slt AND 4:30 pm slt
Where: Al Qantara Library, Al Andalus

Description: The library will host a discussion about Maria Rosa Menocal's book:
The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain

Haven't read the book?  No problem. Come and listen. Come and discuss.

From p.  33: "The rich web of attitudes about culture, and the intellectual opulence that it symbolized, is perhaps only suggested by the caliphal library of (by one count) some four hundred thousand volumes, and this at a time when the largest library in Christian Europe probably held no more than four hundred manuscripts. Cordoba’s caliphal library was itself one of seventy libraries in a city…."


Diplomacy! Aether Salon
Sunday, 16 January, 2011
2:0pm - 3:30pm SLT
Where: New Babbage
Babbage Palisade & Academy of Industry and

An unknown author defined diplomacy as “The business of handling a porcupine without disturbing the quills.” It stands to reason that the job requires great skill. If one peeks into a diplomat’s briefcase, one might discover some unusual items: a jar of oil to pour on troubled waters, a hammer to pound sense, a rudder to maintain course, along with a cloak of patience, understanding and tact folded neatly on top.  Ah yes, the art of diplomacy. Baron Klaus Wulfenbach Outlander and Frau Lowey, both knowledgeable and talented in this field, will be our speakers this month. Please join us on Sunday, January 16 at 2 pm slt for an insightful presentation and discussion on diplomacy.

Viv, Jed,Jasper, Sera


"The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean, EVERYTHING" with Gyro Muggins at the Planetarium
Sunday, 16 January, 2011
3:00pm-4:00 pm SLT
Where:  Fruit Islands Planetarium (LM will be sent that day)

They came to Earth just to spend a long weekend. They were friendly, willing to help us with our problems, and knew the answer to Everything. Comedy science fiction about the dangers of altruistic aliens.  Join Gyro for this great story, in voice, at the Planetarium in Fruit Islands.

Contact: Derry McMahon


"Heidi" (part 3) with Caledonia Skytower
Monday, 17 January, 2011
Where: Seanchai Library on Imagination Island

Heidi and Clara begin to come together, as Heidi's simple ways endear and enrich the lives of those around her.  But things are not all well with Heidi as sleepwalking and nightmares begin to plague her, and those who love her grow concerned.  Presented Live in Voice by Caledonia Skytower.

Contact: Derry McMahon


"Wise Child" A Tale of Magic (part 3) with Derry McMahon
Tuesday, 18 January, 2011
7:00pm - 8:00pm SLT
Where: Seanchai Library on Imagination Island

"Wise Child" by Monica Furlong
As Wise Child grows in her powers, she has two very interesting with someone from her past, and one with 'The Green Man'.   Join us to see how she copes with so many unusual experiences.
Contact: Derry McMahon

Well, she hopes she can attend some of these wonderful events... it's a good thing this Library offers events every week... Pio would love to see you there sometime... so give her a call if you don't want to go alone... but she's sure ..there will be interesting avatars to meet and talk to!


  1. interesting and useful collection of Slurls, thanks Pionia. Will look in my inventory if I have some more (and check if they still exist)

  2. For a continual updated listing of Alexandrian Free Library events and activities, you can also visit their website--


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