Machinima Fest at ISTE SIGVE

The ISTE SIGVE is holding a Machinima Fest during their annual conference and looking for Machinima in the following categories:
1) Student Made
2) Educator Made
3) Organization Made
and the special challenge "So Many Worlds, So Little Times"
If you would like ISTE attendees to know more about your research, students or organization, please consider submitting your video. The Machinima Fest will be taking place on June 28th 530 - 7 pm EST. More info

The SIG Virtual Enivornments for ISTE is holding a Machinima Fest during their annual conference. They are looking for Machinima in the following categories:
1) Student Made
2) Educator Made
3) Organization Made
and the special challenge "So Many Worlds, So Little Times"

If you have a Machinima and you would like ISTE attendees to know more about your research, students or organization, please consider submitting your video.

More information here
To submit your Machinima


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