An interview for the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP)

Pio's friend Carmel Quinzet (Carmen Quintana de Solar) de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP) invited her for a little chat with her classmates. She wanted to know about Pio's work in Sl as an educator. 

Since URBE EFL Center in SL is moving to a new place, probably to Edunation, soon. They improvised a sitting place at the PUCP sandbox. There, Pio rezzed some of her students poster on their latest project "My Face for Peace and Avatars for Peace". Carmel wanted to know how we integrated virtual worlds in our EFL class in a traditional face to face setting.

Pio told her that there were different things to consider before integrating Sl in her classes. We use Sl as any other tool, it's just a mean to introduce, model or present some skills or contents related to the syllabus in the class. Our classes are traditional face to face classes that integrate technology to enrich the educational experience. The philosophy behind this is that students should learn with the tools of the time they are living. In order to do this, a change of mind is needed in how we consider education. So, creating a community of practice, connecting to others, thinking critically, disrupting traditional ways, socializing, creating products, designing our own spaces, facing chaos,  finding our way in a chaotic world,  getting literated , having F.U.N are the goals to achieve. 

We use different kind of tools and we interact in both worlds.. physical and virtual.. both require different skills and literacies.. Also, when activities and events are planned, they will depend on the group participating in the experience. Flexibility and adaptability are key. Also, skills the students have, newbies will be newbies and we'll required more help. Students with more experience, mostly gamers will come handy supporting their peers. 

Sl can be tricky what works at the moment  won't work a minute later. that's when having different channels and tools will save the day.  

We also talked about our latest project "My face for Peace and Avatars for peace" and a project where my graphic design students conducted in world in SL and in our f2f class. This is a presentation Pio gave to the San Martin de Porres University in a conversatorio she was invited back in 2012.

After the interview was over Carmel invited Pio to come see Jayjay Zifanwe from the UWA. She was interviewing him, too. It was a good thing she went there because she could help Carmel with her English and ended up being sort of a emergent translator.. :)

It was a great experience to meet educators from Southamerica wanting to learn about how to teach in a virtual world.  Thanks to Carmel and her classmates. Thanks to Jayjay for sharing the news of a new project called Freedom where handicapped artists from the world  will have the chance to show their work..... ahhh that's another post.... to come... ooops.... :)

Keep on shining love and peace!
Pionia Destiny a.k.a Doris Molero


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