Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Connections: April 9-12, 2014

Well, we are back... VWBPE is back.. this year.. "Connections" is the word and spirit we'll be sharing- The conference is being held from April 9-12th, 2014 using three immersive environments including Second Life, OSGrid, and CloudParty.

Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education is a global grass-roots community event which focuses on education in immersive virtual environments. This open conference is organized by educators, for educators, to provide an opportunity to showcase the learning that takes place in this community of practice.

Last year conference was brilliant.. this year, it's looking wonderful, too. Here, you can visit some of the different sites and social media tools the conference offer for you to get more information on the marvelous things going on next April 9-12th.

You can visit their site:  
You Tube:

Hope to see you all.. Let's connect and share..!!!
See you inworld.

Pionia Destiny


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