EVO ViLLAGE 2016: An EVO session on Virtual Language Learning And Gaming Environment

Well, we are back in track. This time Pio is participating in this wonderful adventure of teaching and learning in virtual worlds. 

EVO Sessions

For five weeks in January and February, TESOL experts and participants from around the world engage in collaborative online discussions or hands-on virtual workshops of professional and scholarly benefit. These sessions bring together participants for a longer period of time than is permitted by land-based professional development conventions and allow a fuller development of ideas than is otherwise possible.

Sessions are free and open to anyone around the globe. It is not necessary to be a TESOL member or attend the TESOL Convention in order to participate. All you need is access to the Internet and choose a session from this year's offerings, Here you can find a list of the sessions: EVO Sessions 2016

Once again, virtual worlds is present in these sessions: EVO VILLAGE 2016 

This EVO session  focus on applying games in virtual environments such as Second Life or OpenSim, using ideas from f2f and transferring them to this 3D environment.

Participants learn to build, script, texture, and pack games into holodecks ready to take to students, and to create machinima to demonstrate how the games work.

This session is aimed at experienced language educators, language course designers, and webheads. Those without experience in Second Life are required to independently learn the basics of Second Life by watching a set of videos and conducting some simple tasks in-world. Those with little knowledge of Second Life are asked to learn some of the basics of Second Life using the following set of training videos created by Carol Rainbow.  http://camelotproject.eu/moot-3/

They meet regularly twice a week on EduNation in Second Life, on Thursdays and Sundays at 8:30pm GMT.

You can find them here:
Interactive space Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/100206184455238638013
Content space EVO ViLLAGE Wiki
Live meeting spaces  EduNation in Second Life http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/EduNation/106/159/23 (you must have Second Life installed to use this SLURL), OpenSim (Edutopia on Kitely.com) and Adobe Connect for livestreaming and recording http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/sl

This year Randall Sadler, Heike Philp, Carol Rainbow, Christel Schneider, Dennis Newson, Barbara McQueen, Edith Paillat, Shelwyn Corrigan, Ann Nowak, Helena Galani, Jens Kjaer Olsen, Doris Molero, Helen Myers, Hazel Workman, and Nuno Lanca. We'll be there to help educators learn and have fun designing games in virtual worlds for their students.

Activities and Dates

Well, Pio will be enjoying seeing her dear friends again and learn a few new tips on how to enhance education in virtual worlds.

Keep shining love and peace!


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