Nanec 2010 at the Virtual Round Table Conference

Pionia Destiny tells about NANEC2010/11
Well, That was fun! Pio finally presented at the Virtual Round Table Conference. This conference was supposed to be given with the company of Dolors Capdet, designer and creator of NANEC2010, but unfortunately personal matters didn't allow her to be with Pio. Pio tried to describe NANEC2010 from her point of view as one of its participants and collaborator. This is a summary of what NANEC is about:

Literacies and New Connective Environment


New Technologies have changed the way we learn and socialize with each other. The web greatly facilitates the access to data and information but also generates some difficulties on finding what it could be or not of use for our inquiring.
Information has stopped from being written and asynchronous to become  visual and synchronous.
Contents have stopped from being lineal and authored to become fragmented and social.
Users have sopped being consumers of contents to become creators of contents.
As a result, the web is complex, dynamic and in constant evolution. Adapting to it, requires understanding its functioning mechanism and knowing how to use the resources in it efficiently.
In this sense, this course offers its participants the literacies needed to adapt to the new environments efficiently.


By the end of t course, the participants will be able to analyze and understand the structure and functioning of the web to be able o manage its resources efficiently.


Taking it from the basic concepts offered in this course, participants will be free to work on those concepts that apply to their interest area.
This course wants its participants to use the resources available (previous knowledge, materials, interaction with peers and instructors, etc) and be able to obtain or create heir own patterns for the resolution of problems.

It’s based on a conectivist model; participants will use real context and environments, supported on interaction and collaboration. Differing from constructivist models that use the simulation of environments to learn through error and trial.

George Siemens
Dolors Capdet
Beatriz Gallardo
Paz Villar

Acredited by UdIE and the Servei de Formació Permanent de la Universitat de València

Continuous and formative evaluation. Based on constant participation, interaction and working on assigned activities.

These are the slides of the presentation:

Before her presentation, Pio and some VRT2011 participants went on a tour back to Archacon with Karelia Kondor and Cyber Placebo. It was a pleasure to visit Arcachon once more. Karelia and Cyber explained how this beautiful sim in SL that resembles Arcachon in real life is used as an environment to learn and teach French.

After Pio's presentation, she had the pleasure to listen to Shamblesguru: QR Codes in Teaching and Learning (A.K.A Christ Smith)

These is a slide show of the photos take during the conference. It compiles the visit to Arcacho, Nanec2010/11 in SL and Shamblesguru's presentation on.


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