Social Issues, Storytelling, and Language Teaching: Venezuelan Diaspora in the Metaverse

Social Issues, Storytelling,  and Language Teaching: Venezuelan Diaspora in the Metaverse.

How can we teach about social issues and hard truths in an engaging and memorable way?

This presentation showcases how discussing social issues such as migration, diversity, inclusion, multiculturalism, or global warming in the language class encourages intercultural reflection and provides students the communication and critical thinking tools to reflect and learn about modern world issues that have global and personal implications. Helping them to see the world from divergent points of view and to reevaluate their worldview based on their new understanding of other languages, cultures, and communities. 

The presentation focuses on methodologies and best practices that incorporate transmedia storytelling and virtual worlds as a medium to present serious social issues in an engaging and memorable way. Along with video and audio materials, it provides examples of readings that have been successfully used to encourage cross-cultural reflection, in particular at the intermediate and advanced levels. 

The presentation includes the screening of sample authentic videos, accompanying documents of task-based activities for at-home and in-class exercises, student survey results, and an exhibition of the Venezuelan Diaspora in the virtual world - Second Life.

Social Issues, Storytelling, and Language Teaching by doris3m

This is the recording of the presentation at Connecting Online 2022:

Connecting Online (CO) is a free 3-day online conference that has been taking place on the first full weekend of February since 2009.  CO22 is the 13th annual CO event. This year, the event will take place from February 25 - 27, 2022. 

The theme of CO22 is connecting online to share information (multimedia); engage with colleagues, students, and others; collaborate with peers, students, and others for instruction and learning.


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