The Electronic Village Online: Call for Proposals for 2022


The Electronic Village Online (EVO,
) Call for Proposals for 2022 is now open for language teaching practitioners and specialists to apply to give 5-week online professional development sessions for teachers worldwide. The actual five-week EVO22 sessions will take place from January 10 to February 13, 2022. Proposals may be on any topic relevant to the teaching of English to speakers of other languages.
The deadline for proposals is September 12, 2021. Applicants will find instructions on how to create their proposal at
. There is a list of moderator emails at the bottom of that page, all ready to take your questions if any.
A 4-week free professional development session will be held for all moderators and co-moderators October 17 – November 14, 2021 to help participants with their proposals, create the online spaces for their sessions, and finalize the syllabus with the assistance of the EVO Coordination Team. New moderators are required to attend and returning moderators are encouraged to participate and lend a hand.
To see examples of EVO sessions offered over the past 20 years, please see our archives of EVO sessions from previous years
Please help us spread the Call for Proposals for EVO22 in your social networks and to your colleagues. Please use the hashtag #evosessions.


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